Helping you create and share your story to make an impact where it matters most.


2021 has been an absolute rollercoaster with ups and downs and everything in between - not just for Team Spear, but for many caught up in trying to find new normals in a ‘Covid world’.

The theme this year, we feel, has been centred around adaptability. For Spear, for businesses, for citizens, and for the Government. And going forward it seems that the more flexible we all become, the more opportunities we will find to thrive.

At Spear, our team grew with the arrival of Paula Pollock and Simon Clarke in April. The timing could not have been more perfect - as Lucy was off for maternity leave in May, and Ruth, our director and owner, was diagnosed with cancer, taking leave in June for the remainder of the year. 

With Lucy and Ruth stepping back, Paula and Simon literally had to ‘run the show’. It is no mean feat stepping into a new business and suddenly having to front clients and get on with things. Well done Paula and Simon - who are now well and truly settled in! 

We are also grateful to Nick Bryant, who provided Paula and Simon with guidance as and when required, particularly in periods when Ruth was completely offline. 

Despite these changes, Spear flourished this year, retaining existing clients and bringing on new ones.

Of course, we would not exist without our clients - and we thank them for their support and belief in us, and we look forward to continuing to partner with them.

Looking ahead, it would appear Covid-19 is a problem that isn’t going to go away. And more and more it feels like businesses and Government are starting to embrace a normality where it is essential to adapt as we go. In the context of this changing business environment, Spear has been privileged to help our clients enhance and protect their reputations, and access the right decision makers at the right time with the right messages, to ensure that simple, straightforward public relations strategies and tactics are a valuable part of underpinning their success.


The work we do at Spear is underpinned by values, which means we work with clients whose values we feel aligned with - and as a result, we love the work we do for them. They are good people, doing good things, and it is a privilege to be able to help. Our clients span many sectors -  education, primary industries, health, the environment, water, electricity, retail, legal services, and technology.

Our aim is always to add value and to ensure results ensue.


Thank you to all of our clients, friends, family, and colleagues for your support throughout 2021. It has been a year with unexpected twists and turns but we have adapted and with your backing have continued to grow and thrive.

We’re looking forward to 2022 and Team Spear returning to full strength so we can continue to partner with individuals and organisations whose visions inspire.

To read a bit more about Spear have a look at the Our Story section on our website. To find out what we can do for you, have a peek at this link For You.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy festive season - Meri Kirihimete!

Ruth, Lucy, Paula, and Simon

Instagram: @spearpr_

LinkedIn: @SpearPR & Communications


Phone: 021 104 6909


Ruth Lavelle Treacy

Helping you create and share your story to make an impact where it matters most.

It’s been a year since New Zealand came out of lockdown and amazingly, it won’t be that long before we hit the halfway mark for 2021. Like, where did that time go?!


While the times remain topsy turvy for many, and there is still a lot of worry on the horizon for many businesses, particularly in hospo and tourism, other businesses are experiencing high demand for services and product, following pent up demand after lockdown. 

We have had the opportunity to support some of this activity. On behalf of our clients it has been rewarding to generate positive media coverage, enable access to decision makers, and help navigate tricky issues. This has been across various sectors, with a focus on vocational education, agriculture, the environment, water, legal services and technology. We are grateful to our clients for turning to Spear to help them tell their story to the right people at the right time to achieve their business objectives. 

We remain acutely conscious that many in New Zealand are not in fortunate positions. At Spear that is always at the forefront of our minds. We hope, in some small way, that by staying true to our areas of focus: equality, the outdoors, and connectivity, the work we do can encourage better outcomes for those that need them.


While New Zealand Inc has had its own roller coaster ride to deal with, we have experienced our own highs! 

We are lucky enough to have Paula Pollock, Simon Clarke and Jessie Workman join our team! This has also meant that we grew out of our little office and had to make the long move down the hallway to a bigger office space!

Our team is growing in another way, as Lucy will be having a baby in June which will bring #TeamSpear’s average age way down! This does mean that Lucy will be taking some time away from the office. Good luck Lucy, we are so excited to meet the new arrival!


More than before organisations need to win trust to gain momentum, and telling your story is a critical part of this. We would love the opportunity to help you.

To see what we have achieved for our admirable clients take a look here. Or check out our Instagram to get a flavour of the work we have done.

Please do get in touch, we are based on The Terrace in Wellington and would love to shout you a coffee, something a little stronger, or even meet via Zoom!

We would love to have a korero so feel free to get in touch.

Onwards & Upwards,

Ruth, Lucy, Paula, Simon and Jessie

Instagram: @spearpr_

LinkedIn: @SpearPR & Communications


Phone: 021 104 6909

John Fiso ONZM discussing the Health and Disability Systems Review
Top left to right: Auckland For Kids article on Blue Duck Station; Wairarapa waterways; Dr Natano (PHP) & Porirua College student Tevita in the media; chef Jack Cashmore at his new restaurant site; Michel Tuffery's series on Covid awareness; Awa…
Top left to right: Sustainable hunting at Blue Duck Station; Malachi & Isaac trades graduates; Tweeddale’s new honey label; Ruth & Kirk Hope from BusinessNZ; helping the EEA with communications; supporting Holly Bennett with Engage.

Ruth Lavelle Treacy

Helping you create and share your story to make an impact
where it matters most

Wow, what a year we have all had so far. Can you say “unprecedented times” ten times fast?

We feel lucky to be in New Zealand, and proud to see what our island nation has achieved. And even though the path still looks a little unsteady, we remain in a much better position than most of the world.

We hope that you have been coping as best as possible - finding silver linings and seizing positive change.


At Spear, we are passionate about celebrating individuals and organisations, and the innovative ways they are supporting those around them, and contributing to the fabric of this country.

This year we have taken on five additional clients. Below in the email is a selection of images which capture the essence of recent work in our key areas: water; equal opportunities; ‘Kiwi’ success stories; accessible pathways to employment; sensible infrastructure to sustainably support growth; primary industries which provide us with quality food and our beautiful farming landscapes. Enjoy the pics below, and please read on after!


More than before organisations need to win trust to gain momentum, and telling your story is a critical part of this. We would love the opportunity to help you.

To see what we have achieved for our admirable clients take a look here. Or check out our Instagram to get a flavour of work we have done.

Please do get in touch, we are based on The Terrace in Wellington and would love to shout you a coffee, something a little stronger, or even meet via Zoom!

We love to korero so even if you just want to catch up, feel free to get in touch.

Onwards & Upwards,

Ruth & Lucy

Instagram: @spearpr_

LinkedIn: @SpearPR & Communications


Phone: 021 104 6909

John Fiso ONZM discussing the Health and Disability Systems Review

John Fiso ONZM discussing the Health and Disability Systems Review

Top left to right: Auckland For Kids article on Blue Duck Station; Wairarapa waterways; Dr Natano (PHP) & Porirua College student Tevita in the media; chef Jack Cashmore at his new restaurant site; Michel Tuffery's series on Covid awareness; Awa…

Top left to right: Auckland For Kids article on Blue Duck Station; Wairarapa waterways; Dr Natano (PHP) & Porirua College student Tevita in the media; chef Jack Cashmore at his new restaurant site; Michel Tuffery's series on Covid awareness; Awatere Valley dam for vineyard irrigation.

IrrigationNZ CEO Elizabeth Soal discussing the importance of water storage in New Zealand.

IrrigationNZ CEO Elizabeth Soal discussing the importance of water storage in New Zealand.

Top left to right: Sustainable hunting at Blue Duck Station; Malachi & Isaac trades graduates; Tweeddale’s new honey label; Ruth & Kirk Hope from BusinessNZ; helping the EEA with communications; supporting Holly Bennett with Engage.

Top left to right: Sustainable hunting at Blue Duck Station; Malachi & Isaac trades graduates; Tweeddale’s new honey label; Ruth & Kirk Hope from BusinessNZ; helping the EEA with communications; supporting Holly Bennett with Engage.

Gaudam & Lucy’s wedding in Kekerengu, Jan 2020

Gaudam & Lucy’s wedding in Kekerengu, Jan 2020


Spear helping others

We love to use our skills to give a helping hand to others and do pro bono work where we can.

Recently, we helped raise awareness of fundraising to support communities effected by floods that devastated parts of Rwanda in May - right when COVID hit. This was through Muraho Trading Company (MTCo), owned by Lucy's husband, Gaudam and his brother Karthick. MTCo runs coffee washing stations which work with coffee farmers in the impacted areas. Sadly, 28 people were killed in the Nyabihu community, and around 350 lost homes, hospitals, schools and their livelihoods. Some incredible companies (including Wellington's Flight Coffee) helped out through a GoFundMe page.

Flood damaged houses in Nyabihu, MTCo washing station workers.

Flood damaged houses in Nyabihu, MTCo washing station workers.



Michel Tuffery COVID19 art.jpg
Ruth Lavelle Treacy

Helping you create and share your story to make an impact
where it matters most

Well, wow. We have come to the end of another year.
And it has been a BIG year for us at Spear!

This year saw us change our name from Assegai to Spear (same meaning, easier to pronounce, thank you Amanda Mallett for your creative work); move into new offices on The Terrace; bring Lucy on board; host our first event; and generally, make good progress. It’s been both fun and exciting!

Of course, none of that would have happened without YOU. So thank you.

Through 2019 Spear has done work across various sectors including education, energy, primary industries, the environment, health, Pacific affairs, and hospitality. A few examples are below. 

Our focus remains to deliver value to our clients by helping them create and share their story to make an impact where it matters most. We aim to make a difference to people and organisations in the areas we feel strongly about: the outdoors, achieving equality and encouraging connectivity across divides.

Again, thank you for all your support.
Wishing you happy holidays.
From Ruth & Lucy @ Spear

Irrigation New Zealand

It has been a busy but fascinating year in the ‘water space’ - an area Spear feels extremely passionate about.

We have been honoured to have been working with Irrigation New Zealand’s fabulous new chief executive, Elizabeth Soal, and chair, Keri Johnston. What a great team this organisation has.

It has been extraordinary as the organisation continues to punch above its weight.

2019 has seen Irrigation New Zealand hire a new Communications Manager, wonderful Ella Stokes; a new General Manager, Commercial, Julie Wallace; execute on their new strategy to create an environment for the responsible and sustainable use of water for producing food; and ramp up engagement with members and decision makers.

Irrigation New Zealand is fast becoming acknowledged as the ‘go-to’ for balanced information and advice on the best ways to manage water efficiently and effectively for shared outcomes.

Onwards and upwards.

Elizabeth Soal: Why are farmers shocked by freshwater proposals? 

Elizabeth Soal: Water, water, everywhere but not a drop of funding 

John Fiso ONZM

It remains our absolute privilege to continue working with inspirational John Fiso (ONZM).

Together with John, we have been shining a light on issues which must come out of the shadows: inequity in the health system, the need for a reinvigorated look at education, and innovative ways to house our most needy New Zealanders.

Where possible we have also celebrated success when it has happened: the first-ever science and health awareness campaign among high school students on diabetes research partnerships to improve Pacific health outcomes; assisting with the Samoan measles outbreak and many more.

Links to some of the stories are below. We are bursting with pride to have had the opportunity to be part of John’s extraordinary journey.

15 NOVEMBER 2019: 
Otago University partners with Pacific Health Plus in Porirua on community-driven research project by student interns  

21 NOVEMBER 2019: 
Pacific students in Wellington participate in first ever ‘Sugar in Schools’ project to understand and share the science of sugar

Concerns over conflicts with Pasifika health funding

Frustrations rising over Pasifika health inequities

10 DECEMBER 2019: 
Pacific Health Plus sends medical volunteers to help with measles outbreak in Samoa

Electricity Engineers Association (EEA)

With the Zero Carbon bill now passed, a huge effort will be going into decarbonising our energy sector. Through this change, the EEA, as the leading industry body representing the electricity supply industry, will be front and centre of ensuring New Zealanders continue to receive safe, sustainable & reliable electricity now and into the future.

Spear has been assisting the EEA build on its reputation as New Zealand’s leading advocate and knowledge hub in safety standards, asset management, engineering excellence, professional development, and emerging technologies.

Working with Scratch Design the organisation has launched a new look and feel newsletter, has ramped up its social media presence and will be refreshing its website in 2020.

It has been a real pleasure working with Peter Berry and his valuable team as they have successfully prioritised ‘communication’ along with the exemplary work they do in their strategic areas. 

Blue Duck Station & the Chef’s Table

We just absolutely adore these guys.

It has been the best fun assisting Dan & Sandy Steele and Jack Cashmore with their successful Wellington on a Plate event which saw them bring the bounty of the farm into the elegant dining room of Homewood, the residence of the British High Commissioner, Laura Clarke. A team effort which was a significant success :)

Dan, Sandy and Jack have more exciting plans coming in 2020, it’s going to be a helluva ride fellas but we can’t wait!

JUNE 2019: 
Wellington on a plate’s exciting collaboration

18 JUNE 2019 
Rural chef coming to Homewood for ten-course Plate event

The chef, the farmer and the high commission

We’d love to hear from you!

We would love the opportunity to work with individuals and organisations whose visions inspire, contact us at | +64 21 104 6909.

To read a bit more about Spear have a look at the Our Story section on our website and to find out what we can do for you, have a peek at this link For You.

Instagram: @spearpr_

LinkedIn: @SpearPR & Communications


Amanda Mallett

Helping you create and share your story to make an impact
where it matters most

Welcome to our first newsletter.
In this edition we have an update on our new name, our new office, and what we’ve been up to!

So far this has been a busy and exciting year for us, as we continue to grow, and we wanted to share some of the highlights with you. Importantly, too, we would like to let you know about our name change.

Name change

After listening closely to client and stakeholder feedback, we have chosen to rename from Assegai (a spear used in southern Africa) to Spear.

Spear is simpler and easier to pronounce. But, importantly, Spear retains the origins of our ethos: public relations and corporate affairs executed with purpose and precision, delivering the desired impact for our clients where it matters most.

New office

We would also like to let you know that from September we will be based at new offices at 88 The Terrace, Level 3. Feel free to pop in any time; we always stock good coffee, or can arrange something stronger – depending on the time of day ;)



What we have been up to

We are building a client base of individuals and organisations whose vision and mission we admire.

Some of the work we have done can be seen below –  we have enjoyed every minute. Further detail on who we are helping can be found in the Clients section of our website.

John Fiso ONZM


It is not often one has the chance to work with truly inspirational people. John Fiso has a rare and uncanny ability to balance business acumen with true benevolence. He has an amazing vision for all New Zealanders to have equal opportunity, but he knows it will take hard work and pragmatism to achieve this. Spear has been lucky enough to be assisting John with his work.

Irrigation NZ

Copy of vineyard 2LR.jpg

Everyone is on the same page when it comes to water in New Zealand: this precious resource needs to be managed and protected for the benefit of all. Spear is proud to be helping not-for-profit organisation IrrigationNZ to create an environment for the responsible use of water and to have its voice heard on the importance of efficient and environmentally sensitive irrigation for a thriving and sustainable New Zealand.

Electricity Engineers Association (EEA)

Berry, Peter - 2019 Conf.jpg

Everyone in New Zealand should have access to sustainable, reliable and safe electricity. The Electricity Engineers Association (EEA) helps enable this. And, more than ever before, all eyes are on the electricity sector, as our economy moves away from fossil fuels for energy. The EEA is responding to this and Spear is helping the EEA reflect what its members want and need through effective communication and engagement so that the industry can operate successfully now, as well as prepare for the future.


Water NZ

As the principal voice for the water sector focusing on 'three waters' - drinking water, waste and storm waters, Water New Zealand has been instrumental in the Government’s announcement to introduce a national water regulator in New Zealand. This is critical to ensure tap water is safe to drink. Spear continues to advise Water New Zealand on its communications and engagement strategies to ensure it can continue leading change.

Blue Duck Station and Jack Cashmore


True beauty is usually hard to find, but not at Blue Duck Station. It is a remote, rugged and magical part of New Zealand, where native wildlife flourishes, and visitors embrace the spirit of adventure and experience the majesty of nature. Owner Dan Steele describes it as an “environmentally minded, conservation-driven, sheep and beef station steeped in the back-country terrain of the King Country”.

Essentially, the team at Blue Duck Station seek to inspire respect for nature so its beauty can be preserved for the benefit of all. One thing’s for sure: it’s a pretty special place and these are pretty special people. Spear is helping Dan and Sandy Steele and their business partner, the extremely talented British chef Jack Cashmore, share their views on protecting nature, while having fun at the same time.


About Spear


Symbolism of Spear

Assegai spear description.jpg


Our network of helpers at Spear

Spear is owned and operated by Ruth Lavelle-Treacy. However, we believe in the power of bringing diverse skills and perspectives together, so Spear is lucky to have the assistance of our new Communications Assistant, Lucy Rowe, and a network of expert affiliates who collaborate with us on different projects, including editing and proofreading; design and brand; tech wizardry – and all round helpfulness :)

Some pics of our team are below. These images were taken at co-working space,
The Settlement, in Petone by Amanda Mallett.


What makes us tick?

If you would like to better understand what makes us tick at Spear, feel free to browse our Gallery. It shows us doing what we love most: making a difference to people and organisations in the areas we feel strongly about – the outdoors, achieving equality, and encouraging connectivity. Oh, and at Spear we like having fun! 

Thumb gallery.jpg

We’d love to hear from you!

We would love the opportunity to work with individuals and organisations whose visions inspire.

Contact us at | +64 21 104 6909.

To read a bit more about Spear have a look at the Our Story section on our website and to find out what we can do for you, have a peek at this link For You.

Ruth Lavelle Treacy